The council does its best to keep the information on this website accurate but cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage which may happen from use of the information.

If you find anything that causes concern please contact us

Reproduction of this material in any form is forbidden without the written permission of the council.

The law of England and Wales applies to the content of this website. Intellectual property rights in some of this material may be held by individual authors.

Email disclaimer

A link to this disclaimer is automatically included in all emails sent externally by Newport City Council and its employees.

  • This email contains information intended for the addressee only and may be confidential, the subject of legal or professional privilege, or be otherwise protected from disclosure. This transmission is intended for the named addressee(s) only and may contain sensitive or protectively marked material up to RESTRICTED and should be handled accordingly. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive it for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you have received this transmission in error please notify the sender immediately. All GCSX traffic may be subject to recording and/or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation. This email and any attached file are the property of Newport City Council. Any opinions expressed in this mail do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Newport City Council.
  • Nothing in this email shall give rise to any contractual relationship with the Council, its agents or employees unless specifically stated or followed up in writing by an authorised officer.
  • Newport City Council has taken reasonable steps to ensure that outgoing emails do not contain malicious software. Email can never be 100% secure and it is your responsibility to carry out virus checks or any other checks you feel appropriate.
  • When you email Newport City Council, you consent to the Council monitoring and reading any such emails for the purposes of security and legislative compliance.

Newport City Council is working towards the requirements of the Government Secure Intranet (GSi).

Third party information/links

The council does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness or accuracy of information provided by other agencies, organisations or individuals, nor does it endorse any views, products or services which may be offered.

Data protection

The council is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998, allowing us to hold and process personal information. We promise to use such information only for the purpose submitted and as allowed by the Act.

Virus issues

The council makes every effort to virus check the files available for downloading on this site. The council cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage which may happen from the use of downloaded material. We recommend that users re-check all downloaded material with their own virus check software.

Have a question?

If you haven't found what you're looking for or need more information, please get in touch.

Contact us